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How Worshiping Deities Aligned with the Weekdays Enhances Spiritual Well-being

In accordance with the days of the week, worshipping these deities can yield positive results. Religious scriptures emphasize the significance of deity worship based on the seven days.

The science of astrology designates specific deities for each day of the week. These days hold the influence of different planets. Offering puja to these deities according to the respective day can yield positive outcomes. Religious texts highlight the importance of deity worship aligned with the days of the week. Sunday is dedicated to the worship of the Sun, Monday to the Moon, Tuesday to Mars, Wednesday to Mercury, Thursday to Jupiter, Friday to Venus, and Saturday to Saturn.

Sunday – Worship of the Sun: The Sun is the deity of boundless power and radiance. Life and light on Earth are attributed to the Sun. The light within our souls is also a reflection of the Sun. To receive the grace of Lord Surya, it is advisable to offer water to the Sun daily. Fill a copper vessel with water on Sunday, add flowers, and offer it to the Sun.

Monday – Worship of the Moon: Worshipping Lord Shiva on Monday not only brings peace to all planets but also pleases the chief planet, the Moon. Since Lord Shiva holds the Moon, performing Shiva puja alongside Moon worship brings prosperity to one’s life.

Tuesday – Worship of Mars: To mitigate the effects of Mars, worship Lord Hanuman on Tuesday. Additionally, performing Lord Ganesha’s puja on this day can also alleviate the malefic effects of Mars. Offer red lentils to a Shiva Lingam to propitiate Mars. The worship of Mars is also performed in the form of a Shiva Lingam. Therefore, every Tuesday, offer gram dal and besan laddoos to the Shiva Lingam.

Wednesday – Worship of Mercury: According to Vedic beliefs, Wednesday is dedicated to the worship of Lord Ganesha. On this day, worship is also performed for Mercury, as Wednesday is under the influence of Lord Mercury. Both Ganesha and Mercury are considered patrons of intellect. Hence, worshipping Lord Ganesha by offering modaks and worshipping Mercury ensures the bestowal of knowledge.

Thursday – Worship of Jupiter: According to astrological beliefs, Thursday is devoted to the planet Jupiter, the divine Guru. Worshipping Lord Vishnu along with observing a fast pleases Lord Vishnu and fulfills all desires, by the grace of Lord Jupiter. The worship of the divine Guru, Lord Brihaspati, is also performed in the form of a Shiva Lingam. Therefore, every Thursday, offer chickpeas and gram flour laddoos to the Shiva Lingam.

Friday – Worship of Venus: The strength of Venus brings physical pleasures, fame, wealth, and a prosperous married life. Worship Lord Shiva on Friday. Rise early, don clean clothes, and offer puja to Lord Shiva with white sweets and white flowers. This way, Venus can also be pacified.

Saturday – Worship of Saturn: Every Saturday, perform the puja of Saturn, the judge of all planets. Apply oil to the idol and recite the Hanuman Chalisa. It is believed that even Lord Hanuman’s worship pleases Lord Saturn.”

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